Botulism Treatment and Prevention

Skip to: What is botulism? How is botulism is diagnosed? How is botulism treated? What are the preventive measures? Botulism is a rare but fatal disease caused by botulinum toxins released from Clostridium botulinum bacteria. Botulism is categorized into five different forms: foodborne botulism, wound botulism, infant botulism, inhalation botulism, and iatrogenic botulism. Clostridium botulinum gram stain. Image Credit: Patiyurh […]

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Proteins cooperate to break up energy structures in oxygen starved heart cells

During a heart attack, the supply of oxygen to heart cells is decreased. This reduced oxygen level, called hypoxia, causes the cell’s powerhouses, the mitochondria, to fragment, impairing cell function and leading to heart failure. Until now, few details have been known about how this process occurs. Researchers at the National Institute for Physiological Sciences, Japan, have revealed how filamin […]

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Oxygen therapy for patients suffering from a heart attack does not prevent heart failure

Oxygen therapy does not prevent the development of heart failure. Neither does it reduce the long-term risk of dying for patients with suspected heart attack. This has been proven for the first time by researchers at Karolinska Institutet as a result of a major Swedish study. The study is to be presented at the European Society of Cardiology’s (ESC) cardiology […]

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