Biochemist, physicist team to see antibacterial TCS deform mitochondria

Grocery shopping can be an illuminating chore for a toxicologist. Julie Gosse, a University of Maine associate professor of molecular and biomedical sciences, has scanned the supermarket aisles for products that contain triclosan (TCS), a synthetic antibacterial agent. Since the ’90s, TCS has been in a slew of consumer products, including facial cleansers, toothpaste, mouthwash and hand sanitizers. For years, […]

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A paradigm shift in heart failure treatment?

A small, preliminary study could trigger a paradigm shift in the treatment of heart failure. The late-breaking research is published today in Circulation and presented at Heart Failure 2018 and the World Congress on Acute Heart Failure, a European Society of Cardiology congress. The study suggests that heart failure may be caused by inappropriate fluid shifts in some patients rather […]

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Five ways to protect your eye health

(HealthDay)—Your risk of vision problems increases with age, but there are things you can do to protect your sight, eye doctors say. By age 65, one in three Americans will have a vision-impairing eye disease. But early treatment of many of these conditions can slow or halt vision loss, or even restore normal vision, according to the American Academy of […]

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Can yoga help treat mental illness?

,Should you happen to have visited a major city in the past 10 or 20 years, you might have noticed a health trend: yoga. The thousands-year-old Indian spiritual practice made its way into gyms, universities and even religious centres worldwide. New yoga centres seem to pop up weekly, advertising new yoga styles and making new health claims. Interestingly enough, yoga […]

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Can we really tell if it’s love at first sight?

Long-term and short-term relationships are obviously different from each other. Some people are the type you’d want to marry; others are good primarily for the sex. At least, that’s how conventional wisdom goes. But new research out of the University of California, Davis, suggests that—at first—long-term and short-term relationships may look more or less identical. When you survey the complete […]

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The brain’s frontal lobe could be involved in chronic pain, according to research

A University of Toronto scientist has discovered the brain’s frontal lobe is involved in pain transmission to the spine. If his findings in animals bear out in people, the discovery could lead to a new class of non-addictive painkillers. For 20 years, Min Zhuo, a professor of physiology in the Faculty of Medicine, has been intrigued by invisible pain, in particular chronic […]

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A system of check and balances in the blood

Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) give rise to blood and immune cells, and are therefore essential for survival. The group of Manuela Baccarini at the Max F. Perutz Laboratories, a joint venture of the University of Vienna and the Medical University of Vienna, has now shown how intracellular signaling can safeguard this delicate balance between activation and dormancy. Their results are […]

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