Retired? Hardly: At 99, this pioneering heart doctor still leading the way

At 99 years old, most people are not engaging in complex research funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Dr. Jeremiah Stamler is no ordinary person. The author and co-author of hundreds of peer-reviewed studies and books, Stamler’s cutting-edge research into the cardiovascular health impact of lifestyle factors like diet, smoking, diabetes, cholesterol and blood pressure has been cited […]

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Study: Pets help their retired owners fall asleep more easily and feel better about their neighbourhood

Older people who own pets fall asleep more easily and feel consistently more positive about their local environment than those who don’t have animals, according to new research from Kingston University and St George’s, University of London. Health and wellbeing expert Gill Mein conducted the research along with statistician Robert Grant. They found older pet owners take considerably more mild […]

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Study of 21 retired NFL and NHL players doesn’t find evidence of early onset dementia

New University at Buffalo research is adding important information to the body of knowledge about the cognitive and behavioral status of a group of retired professional athletes who spent their careers in contact sports. The study findings, from UB’s Healthy Aging Mind Project, were published today online before print in the Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation. The study assessed 21 […]

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