Causes of food poisoning

Food poisoning is basically food or water borne infections. It may be caused due to bacteria, virus, parasites or toxins or chemicals present in food. The onset of the symptoms and severity depends on the time that the infection takes to multiply and take hold. This time is called the incubation period. There are over 250 food borne illnesses. The […]

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Dyssomnia Sleep Disorders

Dyssomnia is a broad type of sleep disorders involving difficulty falling or remaining asleep, which can lead to excessive sleepiness during the day due to the reduced quantity, quality or timing of sleep. This is distinct from parasomnias, which involves abnormal behavior of the nervous system during sleep. Symptoms indicative a dyssomnia sleep disorder may include difficulty falling asleep, intermittent […]

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What is Metatarsalgia?

Metatarsalgia is a common foot condition that involves pain in the forefoot, usually arising following significant stress and injury to the head of the metatarsals. Foot Physiology The weight of the body is naturally transferred to the feet when standing and there is a transfer of force between the feet and the ground during simple movements such as walking. The […]

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Blisters, Corns and Calluses

Blisters, corns and calluses are all fairly common conditions that affect the skin anywhere on the body. Blister and corns develop most commonly over the skin of the hands and feet, while calluses occur mostly on the feet. Blisters Blisters form when the epidermis (outermost layer) of the skin becomes damaged and fluid flows in to protect the lower layers […]

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Post-Infectious Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Post-infectious irritable bowel syndrome is triggered by a gastroenteritis infection. This results in the expression of various symptoms including abdominal pain and diarrhea. What is irritable bowel syndrome? Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a highly prevalent gastrointestinal disease, which is characterized by symptoms such as abdominal pain or discomfort, bloating, and irregularities with stool, such as diarrhea or constipation. However, […]

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Can Arthritis Affect Skin?

Skip to: What is arthritis? The severity and prevalence of arthritis related to age Psoriatic arthritis Rheumatoid nodules and vasculitis Arthritis is a condition of joint inflammation. Several types of arthritis exist, with some involving the skin, immune system, and blood vessels.   What is arthritis? Arthritis is a term used for inflammation of the joints, the tissues surrounding the […]

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Types of Vertigo

Skip to: Peripheral vertigo Causes of peripheral vertigo How is peripheral vertigo treated? Central vertigo Causes of central vertigo How is central vertigo treated? New type of vertigo Vertigo is a sensation of spinning or dizziness often caused by a mismatch of the brain’s visual, vestibular, and sensory information systems. Apart from dizziness, there are issues with balance, motion sickness, […]

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