Irrigation water likely cause of romaine lettuce E. coli outbreak

(HealthDay)—Tainted irrigation water is likely to blame for a 36-state Escherichia coli outbreak linked to romaine lettuce that sickened 200 people and caused five deaths, U.S. health officials say. The illnesses were previously connected with romaine lettuce grown in Yuma, Ariz., which supplies most of the romaine sold in the United States during the winter, the Associated Press reported. Further […]

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People more likely to trust, cooperate if they can tolerate ambiguity, study finds

Can a new colleague be trusted with confidential information? Will she be a cooperative team player on a critical upcoming project? Assessing someone’s motives or intentions, which are often hidden, is difficult, and gauging how to behave toward others involves weighing possible outcomes and personal consequences. New research published in Nature Communications indicates that individuals who are tolerant of ambiguity—a […]

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CDC: invasive MRSA more likely among injection drug users

(HealthDay)—Injection drug users are more than 16-fold more likely to develop invasive methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infections, according to research published in the June 8 issue of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. Kelly A. Jackson, M.P.H., from the CDC in Atlanta, and colleagues examined the effect of the opioid epidemic on invasive […]

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Children from older mothers more likely to have heart risks

New research published in The Journal of Physiology demonstrates that adult offspring born to older mothers are more susceptible to heart risks in later life. These results could be crucial in developing preventative treatments for children born to older women. Older motherhood is associated with an increased risk of complications during pregnancy with a greater likelihood of delivering a child […]

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Report identifies characteristics of microorganisms most likely to cause a global pandemic

Infectious disease preparedness work focuses predominantly on an historical list of pathogens derived from biological warfare agents, political considerations, and recent outbreaks. That fails to account for the most serious agents not currently known or without historical precedent, write scholars from the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in a new report on the traits of microorganisms with high pandemic […]

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Scientists reveal likely cause of childhood leukaemia

A major new analysis reveals for the first time the likely cause of most cases of childhood leukaemia, following more than a century of controversy about its origins. Professor Mel Greaves from The Institute of Cancer Research, London, assessed the most comprehensive body of evidence ever collected on acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) – the most common type of childhood cancer. […]

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Lesbian, bi women more likely to develop T2DM at younger age

(HealthDay)—Lesbian and bisexual (LB) women are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes at a younger age than heterosexual women, with the difference mediated by body mass index (BMI), according to a study published online May 2 in Diabetes Care. Heather L. Corliss, M.P.H., Ph.D., from San Diego State University, and colleagues prospectively followed women participating in the Nurses’ Health […]

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Study discovers new molecular mechanism likely involved in cancer metastasis

Cancer is most devastating when it metastasizes—when tumor cells break away, travel through the bloodstream, and then attach elsewhere, only to grow another tumor. A significant amount of scientific research has focused on finding ways to prevent metastasis. For some time, scientists have understood that a particular biochemical pathway, known as the PDK1 pathway, is active in metastasizing cancer cells. […]

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At-risk adolescents are less likely to express depression on social media as they age

Findings from a new study reveal at-risk adolescents are less likely to post about depressive symptoms on social media as they age. The research suggests that adolescents with a diagnosis of depression may feel less stigmatized describing depressed mood on social media than previously hypothesized. The research will be presented during the Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) 2018 Meeting in Toronto. […]

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