New brain implants disguise as neurons, offering a potentially safer way to study and treat the brain

Like a well-guarded fortress, the human brain attacks intruders on sight. Foreign objects, including neural probes used to study and treat the brain, do not last long. But now, researchers have designed a probe that looks, acts, and feels so much like a real neuron that the brain cannot identify the imposters. According to Charles M. Lieber, this breakthrough “literally […]

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New nanomedicines for a more efficient and less aggressive treatment of prostate cancer

In Europe, prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer among men with an incidence greater than 100 cases per 100,000 individuals. Furthermore, it is currently the second most common cause of cancer-related deaths among men. This pathology mainly affects elderly men: nine in 10 deaths take place after 65 years of age. Therefore, it represents a very serious […]

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Researchers 3-D bio-print a model that could lead to improved anticancer drugs and treatments

University of Minnesota researchers have developed a way to study cancer cells which could lead to new and improved treatment. They have developed a new way to study these cells in a 3-D in vitro model (i.e. in a culture dish rather than in a human or animal). In a paper recently published in Advanced Materials, Angela Panoskaltsis-Mortari, Ph.D., Vice […]

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Japanese study finds concerning trends in cervical cancer and treatment response

Cervical cancer rates can be greatly reduced through preventive measures against the human papillomavirus (HPV) along with proactive cancer screening. Japan may be showing how ignoring that knowledge could prove hazardous, as it is the only advanced economy in which the cervical cancer rate is increasing. New research adds further nuance to this situation. Researchers centered at Osaka University examined […]

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My cum is crystal clear and despite months of trying, my girlfriend can’t get pregnant. It has always been clear and not white. I read this could be due to low sperm count. Do I need to undergo fertility tests or is clear ejaculation normal?

Thanks for your question. Pre-ejaculate (pre-cum) that is released before a guy climaxes is often clear. However, ejaculate or semen (cum) that’s released during orgasm is typically thick, whitish, gray or slightly yellow in color, and slightly transparent (you can see through it). It also feels a bit sticky. It’s interesting though because once semen leaves a guy’s penis, it […]

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