Erno Laszlo Taps Poppy Jamie for Mental Wellness Initiatives

Skin care brand Erno Laszlo is teaming with Poppy Jamie to introduce mental health-focused content.

“A friend was telling me about this amazing lady who’s a sort of champion of mental wellness,” Erno Laszlo’s chairman and chief executive officer Charles Denton said of Jamie, the English influencer, entrepreneur and founder of the Happy Not Perfect podcast and app.

The two met, discussed their shared interest in the topic and decided to collaborate.

“When we got talking, it was one of those things where we were finishing each other’s sentences,” he continued. “She just totally got what we were about.”

The over 90-year-old company — which is known for its Hollywood following with the likes of Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn — was founded by Hungarian-born American dermatologist and businessman Dr. Erno Laszlo in 1927.

“Poppy got into the archive and started reading [Laszlo’s] notes, his philosophy around if you want to deal with healthy skin, you have to consider the mind first,” said Denton. “He coined the phrase back then ‘psycho-cosmetology.’ His whole idea was that the mind and the skin are connected, and if you want to promote healthy skin, happy skin if you like, you have to address the mind.”

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For Jamie — who’s been working to make mental wellness accessible for five years, after facing stress and anxiety herself — the partnership is an active opportunity to educate and help beauty consumers apply what they’ve learned about mental wellness into their daily lives.

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“We shortchange ourselves,” said Jamie. “We’re like, ‘OK, I do feel stress, but I can just get through today.’ But when we have bad skin, we never go, ‘Oh, we’re going to deal with it next year.’ We go, ‘I’m going to deal with it right now,’ because our skin is so visible.”

Consumers are well educated in the connection between the brain, gut, nutrition and sleep, she went on, “but we haven’t joined up the dots, and why this is so pioneering of Erno Laszlo is that our mind and skin are in a cosmic conversation. Stress and how stress manifests, whether that’s trouble sleeping, whether there’s irritability, that impacts on our hormones, and of course that then comes out in our face.”

Working with the brand, she’s creating content like “mask and medicate” — a reminder to self-care, read a book, practice yoga while wearing a face mask such as the brand’s hero product, Vitality Treatment Mask, which doesn’t move on the face. The collaboration is also timed around the launch of Jamie’s upcoming book “Happy Not Perfect: Upgrade Your Mind, Challenge Your Thoughts, and Free Yourself from Anxiety,” out via Rodale Books on June 8.

“We’re going to be creating a ton of little videos,” she said. “Because small reminders throughout your day completely change your day.”

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