Words of Wisdom: Mothers Know Best

Vennette Ho, managing director, global head of beauty and personal care, Financo Raymond James Mother to Dylan, 11, and Kira, 7 My mother taught me to see a world without limits, and to think about every problem as having a solution. This is an incredibly valuable mind-set in investment banking, as a huge part of this job is about solving […]

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How To Make Your Bedroom More Energy Efficient

News about climate change is always evolving, and you may even currently believe false things about climate change, but one thing is for certain — moving toward being energy efficient is more important than ever. For example, you can make your kitchen more energy efficient by maintaining and replacing old appliances, and you can do your laundry in more energy […]

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Kerry Washington Wants You to Know Anyone — Even Kids — Can Get Skin Cancer

When her daughter Monique was 10 years old, Aurelia Mock noticed a brown line underneath her daughter's thumbnail. Doctors denied anything was wrong and assured Aurelia that Monique was healthy. But the mother of 12 wasn't convinced. Eventually, a dermatologist diagnosed Monique with melanoma, and she's just one of the 20 percent of Americans that will eventually get skin cancer. […]

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