Bad behavior between moms driven by stereotypes, judgment

Mothers are often their own toughest critics, but new research shows they judge other mothers just as harshly. The results, published in the Journal of Family Communication, are concerning to Kelly Odenweller, lead author and assistant teaching professor of communication studies at Iowa State University. She says support networks are critical and negative experiences with other mothers may be detrimental […]

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Glass-coated catheters could wipe out infections and save NHS millions

Scientists at Aston University in Birmingham have developed a new technique to eradicate life-threatening urinary tract infections among hospital patients needing catheters, potentially saving the NHS nearly £100million per year. Urinary tract infections (UTIs) caused by catheters—flexible tubes which are attached to a bag and inserted into the bladder to empty it and collect urine—are one of the most common […]

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Jameela Jamil Confirms Having A Rare Disorder Called ‘Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome’

Actress and presenter Jameela Jamil rose to fame after her appearance in the fantasy-comedy series The Good Place. More recently, she has been in the spotlight for her work as a body positivity activist than her acting endeavors. She has always believed in being transparent about her life experiences and continuing that she even shared having a tissue disorder which […]

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The effectiveness of electrical stimulation in producing spinal fusion

Researchers from The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine performed a systematic review and meta-analysis of published data on the effect of electrical stimulation therapies on spinal fusion. They found significant improvement overall in the rates of bone fusion following a course of electrical stimulation in both preclinical (animal) and clinical (human) studies. Detailed findings of this study can be […]

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Diabetes advances poised to help manage blood sugar after meals

Mealtimes can become a difficult experience for individuals with diabetes. After a meal, blood sugar levels may soar as the food digests or unexpectedly plummet if an insulin dose was more than the meal required. The Endocrine Society convened a panel of diabetes experts to examine how advances in medications, lifestyle changes and technologies can help manage the challenges associated […]

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Goddess Durga: An icon for the girl child

Goddess Durga is one of the best examples of a single entity embodying ferocity as well as compassion. Equal parts destroyer and creator, Durga’s life and story provide invaluable learnings for people who are bringing up a girl child. By Kartik Bajoria There is a strange dichotomy that seems to exist across India. While on the one hand we celebrate […]

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