Amy Jackson’s ‘battle’ with pregnancy cravings is too relatable. Here’s how to cope

Amy Jackson recently took to social media to talk about her 'battle' between gym and pregnancy cravings every morning. Here are some tips on how expectant mothers can deal with pregnancy cravings.
Amy Jackson is currently facing a challenge common among pregnant women. The actress, who is currently in her 26th week of pregnancy, recently took to social media to talk about pregnancy cravings.
Posting a picture of herself in her gym clothes, Amy wrote, “Game Face – the battle I have every morning about whether I should go to the gym or eat a bowl of honey #cravings #26weekspregnant | Gym every/most of the time,” something even actress and mother to a two-year-old Lisa Haydon could relate to, who replied, “Could not relate more !!!!”
Game Face ??✊? the battle I have every morning about whether I should go to the gym OR eat a bowl of honey #cravings #26weekspregnant | GYM every/ most of the time. @aloyoga always.
A post shared by Amy Jackson (@iamamyjackson) on
But why does one have such cravings during pregnancy? Dr Sushma Tomar, Infertility specialist and Endoscopic surgeon, Fortis Hospital, told Express Parenting, “Pregnancy cravings are absolutely normal. For the first four months, it is because of the hormones. The pregnant woman can have cravings also because of vitamin, calcium and other important nutrient deficiencies. In such cases, one can crave for various kinds of foods, from chocolates to chalks. ”
These, of course, are not healthy for the mother. So, how does one cope with constant cravings during pregnancy? Here are some tips to follow, as suggested by Dr Tomar:
1. Have a balanced diet
The mother should ensure a balanced proportion of all essential nutrients in her diet like folic acid, protein, vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D.
2. Choose the right food to satiate your craving
“Mothers are usually counselled to choose their foods correctly. If one is craving something sweet, she should go for healthy biscuits instead of chocolates since it is neither healthy for the mother nor the baby. If she is craving spice, she can have a bowl of salad with black pepper sprinkled on it. Whatever you eat should provide nutrition to the baby also,” said Dr Tomar.
3. Have meals frequently
The expectant mother should not go hungry for more than three hours. It can be a meal or just fruits. This will keep their cravings under control.
4. Sufficient sleep
The pregnant woman should sleep for adequate time, ideally for eight hours at least. Staying up late at night can only heighten their cravings, which more often than not ends up in munching unhealthy food.
5. Exercise
Along with a healthy diet, one can do light exercise during the first four months of pregnancy since that gives better blood circulation in the body. Thereafter, one can gradually increase its intensity, which can later help the mother have a normal delivery.
Foods to avoid: Some of the foods to avoid during pregnancy are chocolate, ice cream, outside meals, unpasteurised milk, cake and alcohol, said Dr Tomar.
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