Paul (2) needs help! A small Boy, excluded because of Diabetes from Kita

A year ago, it was found in the small Paul Diabetes. Now his parents fight, so that he can lead a normal life. However, the necessary care is denied by the authorities.
At first glance, the pike are a happy little family, Nina and Daniel Hecht’s life with the almost four-year-old daughter, Emma, and the nearly two-year-old son Paul in Oberhausen, in the Ruhgebiet. A year ago, it was found at Paul’s type 1 Diabetes. The parents wanted to allow her son to live a normal life, enrolled him in kindergarten "Schatzkiste" . However, this obstacle began with the authorities.
Because of Diabetes Paul of the day-care centre is excluded
"If the own, just 22 months old son is excluded because of type 1 Diabetes from the day-care centre, bursting to a stop before the hat – because you can no longer be silent, no, you have to talk about it. Also öffentlich", the father wrote shortly before Christmas, in a Post on Facebook.
Compared to FOCUS Online the 37-year-old Daniel showed pike at a loss. Paul has an insulin pump that he can’t operate with less than two years. The insurance company is willing to 'selective Einzelleistungen' to grant, so that a caregiver "for a few minutes in the nursery come in for a look, inject him, and then again to evaporate. A treatment that makes the front and rear of no sense – neither for Paul, nor for the already extremely congested care services, which would never allow it, several times a day, every week, every month, short day care and stop by to specific individual services vorzunehmen", so the anxious father.
The cashier’s office and the welfare office to see each other in the duty
Since August 2018 Paul was supposed to go in the nursery, who also visited his sister Emma. A complete full-day care, which would require Paul, according to his parents, he was denied but. First of all, from the health insurance Fund, which saw a responsibility at the Department of social services. The Fund relies on the fact that you are moving in the framework of medical regulation and expert advice that only a "punktuelle" Care provides – and this was confirmed on request by FOCUS Online.
From the point of view of the beneficent, the Department of social services in Oberhausen is responsible to pay for the integration of assistance for Paul in the day-care centre. The office had, in turn, almost four months time to play, ultimately the Ball back to the insurance company.
Because "in the disease Diabetes is a medical Problem that can only be over the area of treatment care covered. Consequently, the application was abzulehnen", it is said in the Letter to the family of 21. December 2018, the FOCUS Online. Hecht family has filed a notice of opposition. Of the city of Oberhausen, there was, in spite of repeated demand, no opinion.
After the rejection, only the way to court remains
With such decisions, the pike are not alone. The children’s diabetes pilot at the University hospital of Schleswig-Holstein has stated: "Nevertheless, the requests of the parents refused for their children most of the time."
Lisa Voelpel-Klaes, the pike, a lawyer of the family, knows the: "These rejections are very common." You had to ride for your own to type 1 Diabetes, the diseased child support. A care service, integration assistance and educational support to small children, depending on the Severity of the disease. Courts require the insurance company to assume the costs for a special hospital observation in the Kindergarten by a specialist.
Hecht family is, no matter who pays for the cost, as long as someone is wearing. You don’t know that your almost two-year-old son so at the Moment in the nursery, because he needs someone who is devoted to him.
"You stay with your child zuhause"
Moreover, mothers such as Nina pike, or her attorney need to hear from the Specialist in personal conversation that the child was lifted into the age is going to be at home with the mother. "What time are we actually living?", the 35-year-old Nina writes pike. "The women just condescending." For one, you wanted to work as a bookseller and the family need the second income.
Paul needs his own supervisor
Nina pike unaccounted for in the instances of the awareness of what Diabetes-need children. Young children have a higher risk of increased blood sugar levels and the associated risk, into a coma. Two – and three-year were affected by unusual physical activity, if too little carbohydrates are absorbed, explains pediatrician Reinhard Holl from the University of Ulm at a trade event. A three year old need when you Open an Apple juice bottle outside help, therefore, the Definition must "Fremdhilfe" at the age be adjusted.
In children with type 1 Diabetes, care must be taken when eating to ensure that you at the right time and the Right food. Also affects the blood sugar level, how the child plays – raging it, or sitting it in the corner and leafing through a picture book?
Depending on the fluctuations in blood sugar must have just thrown in the Small a on the insulin pump and the value is to be interpreted. The help comes – and not the lining, pull the catheter unintentionally and to store the pump.
Educators tend to shy away from the responsibility
"The pump may have a malfunction. The catheter may separate during the Romp. Paul may at any time be over – or under sugars. Other children can play with the pump. Since it takes a Betreuer", the mother says. She understands that teachers are afraid of the responsibility.
"Since August, we try to get a caregiver for Paul, and his daily routine. Since July of 2018, we fight a way, Paul is in the same integrative kindergarten to accommodate his sister. That would be in a country, the inclusion writes so big, so difficult, has given us schockiert", she explains.
- Around 300,000 people in Germany suffer from type 1 Diabetes, including approximately 25,000 children and young people. Thus, Diabetes mellitus is the most common metabolic disease in childhood and adolescence in Germany.
- Children with type 1 Diabetes produce no Insulin and therefore require life-long hormone Insulin. In the development of type 1 Diabetes is a complex Interplay of inherited predisposition, and still largely unknown environment of a process influences set in motion that will lead, over several months or years to the destruction of the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas.
- Typical symptoms are excessive thirst, frequent urination, fatigue and weight loss. In the case of suspected type 1 Diabetes, children should be immediately examined by a physician and, where applicable, as an inpatient in a Diabetes at children’s specialized hospital transferred. In the case of Diabetes, the blood sugar values usually significantly (over 200 mg/dl [11.1 mmol/l]).
- Whether the Diabetes long-term complications depends on the quality of blood sugar control. The standard therapy, insulin therapy and Bolus Insulin injections depends on the meal. Increasingly popular is also the treatment with an insulin pump, which supplies the body with the necessary hormone in children and young people.
Source: Diabetes Information Service Munich
Only if the mother is, may Paul in the nursery
Since August, Paul is enrolled in fact, in the daycare center and the pike have to pay every month the fee. But Paul is only allowed to be there, even if his mother is present. So spent Nina pike last your mornings in a side room of the nursery for under – or Over-sugar the day-care centre staff guide. Actually, she had to take care of in the weeks to a new Job as a bookseller.
For the Hecht family, a decision must come soon, at some point, the financial reserves are depleted. Nina pike must now do more, the children’s doctor, so he issues the next regulation, to the Behördenweg go on.
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