Why so tight-lipped?

Let us imagine a man looking with the beginning of 50 doubtfully at his Penis down and sighs: “Oh, would you look again like when I was twelve.” An absurd idea for men – for women, it is far less. The intimate surgery is happy about a growing number of patients, cosmetic surgery of the female genitalia lie in the […]

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Researchers find the cause of and cure for brain injury associated with gut condition

Using a mouse model of necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC)—a potentially fatal condition that causes a premature infant’s gut to suddenly die—researchers at Johns Hopkins say they have uncovered the molecular causes of the condition and its associated brain injury. The discovery enabled the team to combine efforts with colleagues studying brain inflammation and to identify potential drugs that reverse the brain […]

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Video game players frequently exposed to graphic content may see world differently

People who frequently play violent video games are more immune to disturbing images than non-players, a UNSW-led study into the phenomenon of emotion-induced blindness has shown. The scientists showed that players were better at disregarding graphic content while viewing a rapid series of images, leaving them better able to see what they were asked to look for than non-players. While […]

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Prestige Fragrance Sales Increase During Holiday Season

During its most important selling period, prestige fragrances are experiencing an increase in sales for the holiday season. In a report released by the NPD Group, sales for prestige fragrances increased 8 percent year-to-date through October. This year, fragrances have generated $2.7 billion in sales, growing at a faster rate than the previous year. The report indicates the fragrance market […]

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Study evaluates efficacy and safety of pancreatic cancer treatment in complex patient care cases

Gemcitabine given in combination with nab-paclitaxel is the standard of care for patients with advanced pancreatic cancer. This practice, however, rests on data obtained from several recent clinical trials enrolling patients with pancreatic cancer who skewed younger and in better overall condition than most. Currently, there is limited data regarding the management of patients who are older and in worse […]

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New light-based technology reveals how cells communicate in human disease

Scientists at the University of York have developed a new technique that uses light to understand how cells communicate in human disease. All cells in the human body communicate with each other by releasing signalling molecules; this helps to ensure that tissues function normally, that the immune system is able to respond to infection, and that cell division and survival […]

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Breast cancer screening: New emphasis on shared decision-making between women and their doctors

An updated guideline on screening for breast cancer emphasizes shared decision-making between women and their doctors, supporting women to make an informed decision based on personal preferences when the balance between benefits and harms is uncertain. The guideline, released by the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care, is published in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal). Based on the latest […]

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