Causes of food poisoning

Food poisoning is basically food or water borne infections. It may be caused due to bacteria, virus, parasites or toxins or chemicals present in food. The onset of the symptoms and severity depends on the time that the infection takes to multiply and take hold. This time is called the incubation period. There are over 250 food borne illnesses. The […]

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Sugars and microbiome in mother’s milk influence neonatal rotavirus infection

Using a multidisciplinary approach, an international team of researchers from several institutions, including Baylor College of Medicine, reveals that complex interactions between sugars and the microbiome in human milk influence neonatal rotavirus infection. Reported in the journal Nature Communications, this study provides new understanding of rotavirus infections in newborns and identifies maternal components that could improve the performance of live, […]

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Human microbiome influences rotavirus vaccine response

In a proof-of-concept study in healthy adult men, scientists in the Netherlands found that microbiome manipulation with antibiotics influenced the response to oral rotavirus vaccine. Specifically, they found higher levels of viral shedding in those receiving antibiotic treatment prior to vaccination compared with controls receiving no antibiotic treatment prior to vaccination. The study is a human demonstration that altering the […]

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