Scientists engineer way to prevent immune response to gene therapy in mice

Stanford University School of Medicine researchers have demonstrated that gene therapy can be effective without causing a dangerous side effect common to all gene therapy: an autoimmune reaction to the normal protein, which the patient’s immune system is encountering for the first time. The researchers showed this in a mouse model that accurately recapitulates Duchenne muscular dystrophy. One in every […]

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New target could prevent progression of liver damage to cancer

Problems like obesity and alcoholism appear to chronically trigger in the liver a receptor known to amplify inflammation in response to invaders like bacteria, scientists report. The relentless, increased activity of TREM-1 in turn accelerates injury and scarring of the liver, a first step toward cirrhosis and liver cancer, says Dr. Anatolij Horuzsko, reproductive immunologist in the Georgia Cancer Center […]

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Oxygen therapy for patients suffering from a heart attack does not prevent heart failure

Oxygen therapy does not prevent the development of heart failure. Neither does it reduce the long-term risk of dying for patients with suspected heart attack. This has been proven for the first time by researchers at Karolinska Institutet as a result of a major Swedish study. The study is to be presented at the European Society of Cardiology’s (ESC) cardiology […]

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Reliable point-of-care blood test can help prevent toxoplasmosis

A recent study, performed in Chicago and Rabat, Morocco, found that a novel finger-prick test for infection with the parasite Toxoplasma gondii during pregnancy—and many other potential applications—is 100 percent sensitive and 100 percent specific for detecting the presence of this life-damaging microorganism. A positive result from the Toxoplasma ICT IgG-IgM point-of-care test, performed with a drop of a pregnant […]

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Chemicals found in vegetables prevent colon cancer in mice

Chemicals produced by vegetables such as kale, cabbage and broccoli could help to maintain a healthy gut and prevent colon cancer, a new study from the Francis Crick Institute shows. The research, published in Immunity, shows that mice fed on a diet rich in indole-3-carbinol—which is produced when we digest vegetables from the Brassica genus—were protected from gut inflammation and […]

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Button batteries kill—here’s how we can prevent needless child deaths from battery ingestion

In 2013, four-year-old Summer Steer died from acute blood loss several days after swallowing a button battery. She hadn’t told her family she’d swallowed anything, so they didn’t know what was wrong. At least not until the caustic reaction caused by the battery, which had lodged in her oesophagus, ate through to her aorta. She presented to hospital with a […]

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Blocking digestive hormone may prevent diet-induced pancreatic cancer

A high-fat diet may promote the growth of pancreatic cancer independent of obesity because of the interaction between dietary fat and cholecystokinin (CCK), a digestive hormone. In addition, blocking CCK may help prevent the spread of pancreatic tumors to other areas of the body (metastases). The new findings are published ahead of print in the American Journal of Physiology—Gastrointestinal and […]

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Scientists identify two hormones that burn fat faster, prevent and reverse diabetes in mice

UCLA geneticists have created a new technique to hunt for hormones that influence how organs and tissues communicate with each other. The method enabled them to find naturally occurring molecules that play major roles in Type 2 diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular disease. In particular, they discovered: Two hormones called “notum” and “lipocalin-5” that speed up the body’s ability to burn […]

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Antibody ‘cocktail’ can prevent Zika infection but is not effective for treatment of fetuses

A “cocktail” of monoclonal antibodies that can prevent Zika virus (ZIKV) infection in primates was not effective for treatment of fetuses, according to a new collaborative study led by a University of Miami Miller School of Medicine research team. “We observed that ZIKV isolated from pregnant women in Rio de Janeiro also causes fetal infection in pregnant macaques. Unfortunately, we […]

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