Research digs up the fat-fighting power of clays

Investigating how clay materials can improve drug delivery, UniSA researcher and Ph.D. candidate, Tahnee Dening serendipitously discovered that the clay materials she was using had a unique ability to “soak up” fat droplets in the gut. Dening says this accidental discovery could potentially be a cure for obesity. “It’s quite amazing really,” Dening says. “I was investigating the capacity of […]

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How the power of mathematics can help assess lung function

Researchers at the University of Southampton have developed a new computational way of analysing X-ray images of lungs, which could herald a breakthrough in the diagnosis and assessment of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and other lung diseases. A multi-disciplinary team of mathematicians, clinicians, and image specialists from three University of Southampton faculties has devised a method for numerically describing […]

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