Brachytherapy for cervical cancer does not increase the risk of ureteral stricture

A rare but potentially serious complication following radiation treatment for cervical cancer is a narrowing of the tube (the ureter) that takes urine from the kidneys to the bladder, which can lead to kidney damage and sometimes life-threatening infections. This is called ureteral stricture and, until now, there have been concerns that brachytherapy might increase the risk, although the treatment […]

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Selection of a pyrethroid metabolic enzyme CYP9K1 by malaria control activities

Researchers from LSTM, with partners from a number of international institutions, have shown the rapid selection of a novel P450 enzyme leading to insecticide resistance in a major malaria vector. In a paper published in PNAS the team of researchers led by LSTM’s Professor Janet Hemingway describe how operational malaria control activities, and a move back to pyrethroid based indoor […]

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Research finds new mechanism that can cause the spread of deadly infection

Scientists at the University of Birmingham have discovered a unique mechanism that drives the spread of a deadly infection. Cptococcosirys is a rare and deadly fungal infection that affects the lung and brain and usually only occurs in people with impaired immunity. However, one strain of the fungus – known as the Pacific Northwest strain of Cryptococcus gattii – has […]

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Eyes of adolescents could reveal risk of cardiovascular disease

New research has found that poorer well-being or ‘health-related quality of life’ (HRQoL) in adolescence could be an indicator of future cardiovascular disease risk. Researchers at The Westmead Institute for Medical Research found that adolescents with poorer scores in the social and mental well-being domains of HRQoL have structural changes in their retinal blood vessels that could be associated with […]

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New mathematical parameters to model the impact of Wolbachia infection for disease control

LSTM’s Dr. Gabriela Gomes is senior author on a new study which outlines the importance of using variation in mosquito susceptibility as a parameter in mathematical modelling to realistically assess the impact of Wolbachia infection on disease transmission. The Aedes aegypti mosquito is a disease vector for a number of arboviruses including, chikungunya, dengue and Zika. Wolbachia, a bacterial symbiont, […]

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Mechanism that drives development of liver cancer brought on by non-alcoholic fatty liver disease discovered

A team of researchers from several institutions in China has found a mechanism that appears to drive the development of a type of liver cancer not caused by alcohol consumption. In their paper published in the journal Science Translational Medicine, the group describes their study of liver cancer in mouse models and what they found. Ngee Kiat Chua, Hudson Coates […]

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Scientists discover sweet spot of activity in immune system key to fighting cancer

Scientists at the University of Southampton have shown how stimulating a specific location on the surface of immune cells can be targeted with antibodies to help in their fight against cancer. The new work concerns a receptor called CD40 found of the surface of certain immune cells which regulates their activity. The CD40 receptors are normally dispersed over the surface […]

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Efficient control of leukaemia with treatment by dual immune-checkpoint blockade

Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) is a haematological malignancy that originates in the blood-forming cells of the bone marrow and spreads to other organs through the bloodstream. When infiltrating tissues, CLL cells come in contact with healthy cells, including immune cells. To ensure their survival and growth, CLL cells are able to establish a microenvironment in which the immune response is […]

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Studies show promise of immunotherapy combinations, including CAR T

As immunotherapies continue to make up a larger share of new cancer drugs, researchers are looking for the most effective ways to use these cutting edge treatments in combination with each or with other pre-existing options. New studies from the Abramson Cancer Center of the University of Pennsylvania are providing fresh clues on potentially effective combinations with CAR T therapy […]

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