Exposure to arsenic, lead, copper and cadmium linked to increased risk of heart disease

Exposure to arsenic, lead, copper and cadmium is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and coronary heart disease, finds a comprehensive analysis of the evidence published by The BMJ today. In recent years, exposure to environmental toxic metals such as arsenic, lead, copper, and mercury have become a major global health concern. Arsenic and cadmium, for example, are […]

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Discovery could lead to better treatment for leukemia

Previous research has revealed that patients with acute myeloid leukemia who also have a particular mutation in a gene called NPM1 have a higher rate of remission with chemotherapy. About one-third of leukemia patients possess this favorable mutation, but until now, how it helps improve outcomes has remained unknown. Scientists from the University of Illinois at Chicago report on how […]

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Dietary carbohydrates could lead to osteoarthritis, new study finds

Do your knees ache? According to new findings from the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, your diet could be a culprit. In a study led by OMRF scientist Tim Griffin, Ph.D., researchers found that the carbohydrate composition of diets increased the risk of osteoarthritis in laboratory mice—even when the animals didn’t differ in weight. “We know increased body fat elevates risk, […]

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Traumatic brain injury: Discovery of two molecules could lead to new drug treatments

After 10 years of research, a Rutgers-led team of scientists has identified two molecules that protect nerve cells after a traumatic brain injury and could lead to new drug treatments. The molecules promote full recovery after traumatic brain injury (TBI) in mice, according to the study published online in Neurobiology of Disease. Traumatic brain injury is the leading cause of […]

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Study results may lead to improved diagnostics for breast cancer

A study in Molecular Oncology indicates that examining the protein and RNA in leftover materials from routine diagnostic tests for breast cancer may lead to more accurate diagnoses. Using samples from fine needle aspiration from 25 patients with breast cancer and 33 patients with benign lesions, investigators found that such a strategy could distinguish all cancer patient samples from all […]

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Hunger can lead to anger, but it’s more complicated than a drop in blood sugar, study says

What makes someone go from simply being hungry to full-on “hangry”? More than just a simple drop in blood sugar, this combination of hunger and anger may be a complicated emotional response involving an interplay of biology, personality and environmental cues, according to research published by the American Psychological Association. “We all know that hunger can sometimes affect our emotions […]

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Bariatric surgery successes lead to type 2 diabetes treatment

Bariatric surgery has long yielded almost immediate health benefits for patients with type 2 diabetes, and new findings on the reasons for remission may be the key to developing drug alternatives to surgery. “One of the things that bariatric surgery does is cause type 2 diabetes remission,” said Bethany Cummings, assistant professor of biomedical sciences at the College of Veterinary […]

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