New mathematical parameters to model the impact of Wolbachia infection for disease control

LSTM’s Dr. Gabriela Gomes is senior author on a new study which outlines the importance of using variation in mosquito susceptibility as a parameter in mathematical modelling to realistically assess the impact of Wolbachia infection on disease transmission. The Aedes aegypti mosquito is a disease vector for a number of arboviruses including, chikungunya, dengue and Zika. Wolbachia, a bacterial symbiont, […]

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Study explores carbohydrates’ impact on head, neck cancers

Consuming high amounts of carbohydrates and various forms of sugar during the year prior to treatment for head and neck cancer may increase patients’ risks of cancer recurrence and mortality, a new study reports. However, eating moderate amounts of fats and starchy foods such as whole grains, potatoes and legumes after treatment could have protective benefits, reducing patients’ risks of […]

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Study explores safety of rear-facing car seats in rear impact car crashes

Rear-facing car seats have been shown to significantly reduce infant and toddler fatalities and injuries in frontal and side-impact crashes, but they’re rarely discussed in terms of rear-impact collisions. Because rear-impact crashes account for more than 25 percent of all accidents, researchers at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center conducted a new study to explore the effectiveness of rear-facing […]

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