Scientists examine how neuropathic pain responds to Metformin

Scientists seeking an effective treatment for one type of chronic pain believe a ubiquitous, generic diabetes medication might solve both the discomfort and the mental deficits that go with the pain. “People who are in constant pain have problems thinking straight sometimes. The longer you’re in pain, the more entrenched the impairment becomes,” said Stephanie Shiers, a fourth-year cognition and […]

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How I Beat Cancer While Pregnant

The summer of 2007 was supposed to be one of the happiest times of my life — the long wait to officially adopt and bring home our daughter Naomi was almost over, and our family of three was growing to four. Instead, it turned into one of the scariest, most confusing times of my life.  I was diagnosed with breast […]

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How astrophysics could transform the treatment of cystic fibrosis and other rare diseases

It’s a cruel disease which dramatically shortens life expectancy. One in 25 Europeans carry the cystic fibrosis gene and, in the UK, about 10,400 people currently have the condition. But people are living longer and longer thanks to improvements in screening at birth, early treatment and medication. One of the most important things is for patients to be put on […]

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New clues about how our body guards against cancer

Walter and Eliza Hall Institute researchers have uncovered a key factor protecting against age-related DNA damage, providing important clues about how our body guards against cancer. The discovery was made by identifying a rare genetic mutation in three patients with an unusual, early-onset form of acute myeloid leukaemia (AML). The patients all lacked a DNA repair protein called MBD4, which […]

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How to comfort a child whose sibling has died

In 1971, when I was four years old, my brother died of a congenital heart condition. Writing about this experience has prompted more responses than anything else I’ve ever written or spoken about. Untold and unheard stories appear in comments sections, strangers tell me cross-culturally consistent tales in the soft corners of conference rooms and speak about the siblings they’ve […]

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Here’s how Trump-era politics are affecting worker morale – and what managers can do about it

Pundits are projecting this year’s midterm elections to be nasty, polarizing and “epic.” They’re also expected to stress a lot of Americans out in every part of their lives. And that includes at the office. I recently conducted a study on a broad range of workplace issues, including how the stress of our increasingly divisive politics is affecting worker health, […]

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How to Make Family Dinnertime Fun

Sometimes, the last thing you want to do at the end of a long day is spend time preparing a family dinner so everyone can quickly gobble it down and get back to their homework/video games/tablets. We get it. But making the time to cook and eat with your kids can have significant benefits for their health and cognitive abilities.  […]

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How we judge personality from faces depends on our pre-existing beliefs about how personality works

We make snap judgments of others based not only on their facial appearance, but also on our pre-existing beliefs about how others’ personalities work, finds a new study by a team of psychology researchers. We make snap judgments of others based not only on their facial appearance, but also on our pre-existing beliefs about how others’ personalities work, finds a […]

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