How to mend broken hearts

Dr. Richard Jabbour’s mission is to fix broken hearts. But he doesn’t dispense relationship advice or provide a shoulder to cry on – as no doubt many others will be doing this Valentine’s Day. Instead, he builds healing, pumping ‘patches’ in a small dish that can help to mend damaged heart tissue. Dr. Jabbour, a cardiologist and researcher, is part […]

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Babies born with broken hearts

More than 35,000 babies are born with life-threatening congenital heart defects every year in the United States. Fetal single ventricle defects can be identified with echocardiograms. In the first months of life, surgeries can correct these defects, but tragically, about 25 percent of babies do not make it through the first surgery. Researchers are exploring how irregular filling mechanics—the process […]

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The molecules that energize babies’ hearts

A metabolic process that provides heart muscle with energy fails to mature in newborns with thickened heart walls, according to a Japan–Canada research team. Hokkaido University cardiologist Arata Fukushima, along with a team of University of Alberta scientists led by Gary Lopaschuk, examined the heart tissue of 84 newborns who had undergone surgery for congenital heart disease. Many patients with […]

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