Psychic Mediums, Psychedelic Medicine, and a Communal Bed: In Goop Health’s 2019 Summit in New York

Goop’s In Good Health Summit descended on New York for the second time on Saturday, taking over an entire floor of Pier 17 in the Seaport District. The ath-leisure-clad crowd was expectedly homogenous — almost exclusively white women — but a vast range of ages was represented among the 600 attendees, most of whom had paid $1,000 for an all-access ticket to the 10-hour day of panels, workshops, psychic medium readings and ample downtime in Goop Hall to shop a Goop-curated retail area with books, beauty products and vibrators, take a power nap in a communal bed, get an ear piercing, or nibble on tiny plates of kale salad and sip on “brain coffee.”
A small segment of attendees had ponied up $4,500 for a Wellness Weekender ticket, which included a two-night stay at the Park Hyatt in Manhattan, a Friday night cocktail party preceding the event, a “VIP workout session” and other perks.
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