New approach for treating neuropathic pain

Neuropathic pain is the chronic, pathological pain that continues even when the cause of pain is removed. Causes include damage to nerve cells and medicines used to treat cancer. A collaboration between research groups from Indiana University in Bloomington, USA and Turku Centre for Biotechnology in Finland has discovered a novel therapeutic that appears to interrupt the signaling cascades in […]

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High incidence of sudden and/or arrhythmic death in CHD

(HealthDay)—Among patients with coronary heart disease without severe systolic dysfunction, sudden and/or arrhythmic deaths (SAD) account for a considerable proportion of deaths, according to a study published online May 2 in JAMA Cardiology. Neal A. Chatterjee, M.D., from Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, and colleagues conducted a cohort study involving 135 clinical sites with 5,761 participants with coronary heart […]

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COPD-associated inflammation halted in model experiment

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), is believed to be the third most common cause of death worldwide. However, because the underlying mechanism is still largely unknown, today’s treatments can only slow progression of the disease. Scientists at Helmholtz Zentrum München have now reported a previously unknown pathogenic mechanism, which they have already been able to prevent in the laboratory. Their […]

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How low is too low? Experts debate blood pressure targets in post-SPRINT era

Following the landmark SPRINT trial, there is a growing body of evidence for reducing systolic blood pressure targets, resulting in the development of new US guidelines. However, this has led to many questions about the impact of such fundamental changes in blood pressure management, and whether they should be implemented in other constituencies. Two new studies published in the Canadian […]

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132-pound tumor removed from woman’s abdomen

Doctors at a Connecticut hospital say they removed a 132-pound tumor from a woman’s abdomen, and she is expected to recover fully. The ovarian tumor was diagnosed after the 38-year-old woman reported rapid weight gain of about 10 pounds per week over a two-month period. The doctors at Danbury Hospital announced Thursday that the five-hour surgery was completed successfully after […]

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How a light touch can spur severe itching

For some people, particularly those who are elderly, even a light touch of the skin or contact with clothing can lead to unbearable itching. What’s worse, anti-itch treatments, including hydrocortisone, don’t provide much relief for this type of itching. Now, researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St Louis have discovered, in mice, why a touch can cause such […]

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Decoding the brain’s learning machine

In studies with monkeys, Johns Hopkins researchers report that they have uncovered significant new details about how the cerebellum—the “learning machine” of the mammalian brain—makes predictions and learns from its mistakes, helping us execute complex motor actions such as accurately shooting a basketball into a net or focusing your eyes on an object across the room. In a summary of […]

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