How 12 Celebrity Parents Talk to Their Kids About Sex

Talking about the birds and the bees to your kids — you know, “the talk” — isn’t always the easiest thing to do. Many of us grew up in a generation where we learned it in school, or from friends, and maybe, had an awkward conversation with our parents that led to them giving us a book about how babies are made. Of course, there was always that one household where sex was discussed openly, so there was never any embarrassment about it.
Well, celebrities are willing to often discuss sex in interviews, but when it comes to their kids, they admit they often struggle at home (it’s one way they’re just like us!). The burden is often placed on moms to start the dialogue, but that has to stop, according to Elizabeth Banks, who has her own sex ed podcast, My Body, My Podcast. “We have to get more men involved in the conversation,” she told Stephen Colbert. “Because one of the things we talk about on the podcast is how much emotional baggage men — husbands, fathers, and brothers — leave to the women in their lives.”
Padma Lakshmi started the conversations early with her daughter, so each year, she’s added more depth to their chats in an age-appropriate way, especially since she has an inquisitive daughter. “We’re starting to talk about puberty, and that’s happening earlier for girls,” the Top Chef judge explained to The Washington Post. “She’s full of questions. She has no reluctance. She’s very bold.”
The less shame around the topic, the better it is for the kids (and yes, mom and dad, too). So get talking, and pick up a few tips from celebs on how they handled sex education — from masturbation to consent — in their household.
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