Gender-specific differences in intestinal lining

A new study published online in The FASEB Journal pinpoints several gender-specific differences in intestinal environment that could be significant for both intestinal and non-intestinal disorders in which the intestinal lining or microbiome have been altered. A person’s gender can play a major role in the risk of certain diseases, including intestinal disorders like irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, and […]

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New treatment helps avoid deafness in child chemotherapy patients

An international trial has found that a medicine commonly used to treat poisoning is effective in reducing deafness in children receiving chemotherapy for cancer. University of Melbourne and Royal Children’s Hospital paediatric oncologist Professor Michael Sullivan was international vice chair of the study, results of which are published in today’s New England Journal of Medicine. Professor Sullivan said the trial […]

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Scientists discover how brain signals travel to drive language performance

Effective verbal communication depends on one’s ability to retrieve and select the appropriate words to convey an intended meaning. For many, this process is instinctive, but for someone who has suffered a stroke or another type of brain damage, communicating even the most basic message can be arduous. Scientists know that a brain region called the left inferior frontal gyrus […]

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Study finds a novel and more practical way to measure kidney function

Researchers working on a study to improve kidney function measurements have found a way to provide more accurate readings. Using an injectable biomarker, physicians were able to read the actual working capacity of the kidney in a clinical setting in half the time it used to take. Currently, physicians rely on estimated kidney function (or estimated glomerular filtration rate) to […]

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One year of school comes with an IQ bump, meta-analysis shows

A year of schooling leaves students with new knowledge, and it also equates with a small but noticeable increase to students’ IQ, according to a systematic meta-analysis published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science. “Our analyses provide the strongest evidence yet that education raises intelligence test scores,” says psychological scientist Stuart J. Ritchie of the […]

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Diaphragm linked to chronic low back pain, study shows

Researchers of the Physical Therapy and Medicine departments of the CEU Cardenal Herrera University recently published a study on patients with chronic, non-specific low back pain, in which they conducted the first clinical trial of the effectiveness of osteopathic manual therapy with or without specific techniques on the diaphragm. The results have been published in Archives of Physical Medicine and […]

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First ancient syphilis genomes decoded

An international research team, including scientists from the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, the University of Tübingen, the National School of Anthropology and History in Mexico City, and the University of Zurich, has recovered the first historic genomes from the bacterium Treponema pallidum, which causes syphilis. It was previously not thought possible to recover DNA of […]

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