My cum is crystal clear and despite months of trying, my girlfriend can’t get pregnant. It has always been clear and not white. I read this could be due to low sperm count. Do I need to undergo fertility tests or is clear ejaculation normal?

Thanks for your question. Pre-ejaculate (pre-cum) that is released before a guy climaxes is often clear. However, ejaculate or semen (cum) that’s released during orgasm is typically thick, whitish, gray or slightly yellow in color, and slightly transparent (you can see through it). It also feels a bit sticky. It’s interesting though because once semen leaves a guy’s penis, it […]

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Brain matures faster due to childhood stress

Stress in early childhood leads to faster maturation of certain brain regions during adolescence. In contrast, stress experienced later in life leads to slower maturation of the adolescent brain. This is the outcome of a long-term study conducted by researchers of Radboud University in which 37 subjects have been monitored for almost 20 years. The findings will be published in […]

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