I really want to have sex with my partner. It’s both of our first times. Pregnancy protection aside, do we need to protect from STDs if we are both virgins? Could we get an STD from each other if neither of us have ever had the chance to get them?

Protecting against sexually transmitted infections (otherwise known as STDs or STIs) is very important when having sex, even if you are confident that it is your partner’s first time as well. STIs can be transmitted through vaginal, oral, or anal sex so it’s important to use condoms or another barrier method, such as a dental dam, to protect yourself and your […]

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Emergency Contraception

Even though guys can’t get pregnant, it’s important to know about emergency contraception if you are having sex with a female partner. What is emergency contraception? Emergency contraception (EC) is a backup method of birth control that a woman can use to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex. Even though you may have heard EC called the “morning-after pill”, there is […]

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Making Healthy Sexual Decisions

You may be thinking about what it means to be involved in a sexual relationship. As a young adult, it’s normal to think about sex, have sexual feelings, and have a desire to learn more about your own body. Deciding to have a sexual relationship is an important decision since it involves both your body and your emotions. You need […]

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