Scientists identify two hormones that burn fat faster, prevent and reverse diabetes in mice

UCLA geneticists have created a new technique to hunt for hormones that influence how organs and tissues communicate with each other. The method enabled them to find naturally occurring molecules that play major roles in Type 2 diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular disease. In particular, they discovered: Two hormones called “notum” and “lipocalin-5” that speed up the body’s ability to burn […]

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Research finds new mechanism that can cause the spread of deadly infection

Scientists at the University of Birmingham have discovered a unique mechanism that drives the spread of a deadly infection. Cptococcosirys is a rare and deadly fungal infection that affects the lung and brain and usually only occurs in people with impaired immunity. However, one strain of the fungus – known as the Pacific Northwest strain of Cryptococcus gattii – has […]

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Molecule that dilates blood vessels hints at new way to treat heart disease

Americans die of heart or cardiovascular disease at an alarming rate. In fact, heart attacks, strokes and related diseases will kill an estimated 610,000 Americans this year alone. Some medications help, but to better tackle this problem, researchers need to know exactly how the heart and blood vessels stay healthy in the first place. Now, scientists at The Scripps Research […]

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Mechanism that drives development of liver cancer brought on by non-alcoholic fatty liver disease discovered

A team of researchers from several institutions in China has found a mechanism that appears to drive the development of a type of liver cancer not caused by alcohol consumption. In their paper published in the journal Science Translational Medicine, the group describes their study of liver cancer in mouse models and what they found. Ngee Kiat Chua, Hudson Coates […]

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Scientists disconfirm belief that humans’ physiological reaction to emotions are uniform

How do you feel when you’re angry? Tense? Jittery? Exhausted? Is it the same every time? Is it identical to how your best friend, co-worker, or barista feel when they experience anger? In all likelihood the answer is no, that how you experience anger varies between situations, and that how you experience it varies from others. According to new research […]

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New paper suggests that tumor cells may develop resistance to potential Ras inhibitors

Researchers have long sought a treatment aimed specifically at the Ras family of genes, the most common oncogenes and those that initiate many of the most lethal tumours. However, the results of a hypothetical treatment may be far less positive than speculated, according to a manuscript published in Genes & Development by the Genomic Instability Group at the Spanish National […]

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Study confirms that inflammation during pregnancy is linked to baby’s brain

Inflammation is a normal part of the body’s response to infection, chronic stress or obesity. In pregnant women, it is believed that heightened inflammation increases the risk of mental illness or brain development problems in children. A study conducted by researchers at OHSU in Portland, Oregon, has established a link between inflammation in pregnant women and the way the newborn […]

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Study locates circadian clock that controls daily rhythms of aggression

Patients with Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia commonly experience the sundown syndrome – a sudden worsening of confusion, agitation and aggression at the end of the day. Its daily pattern suggested that “sundowning,” as the phenomenon is also known, may be governed by the body’s internal biological clock. Synchronized by light and darkness, the circadian clock exerts control […]

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